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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day One of WW

I decided to post a current picture of myself every month to see if I can see any changes in my body during my journey.

Day one of my journey is complete and I have used up all of my points except for 1pt. I also used ALL of my extra 35 weekly points in one meal which stinks but I can't take it back so I am just going to move forward. My daily point allowance is 29 points, I used 28 points and from what my WW leader says I can't bank it for the next day. That's okay though I think I finally get how the program works.

Over six months ago, my mom asked me if I wanted to do WW with her. I said yes but I really didn't mean it.When she finally got me to join I wanted to do it online, this was a huge mistake. I had no idea what I was doing and didn't know how to calculate my points, I didn't even have a working scale in the house to check my progress weekly. My mother however opted for the meetings and weekly weigh ins. She start to lose weight after the first month. I on the other hand was not keeping track of my point nor was I watching what I ate.

Finally my mom got me to go with her to a meeting close to home. She nearly nagged me to death but I'm glad she did. I met my WW leader and she was very nice she sat down with me and explained everything about the program. When I left I felt heavily motivated and I can't wait to go back next Saturday.

Unfortunately I didn't eat breakfast this morning so I ended up going to BK right after the meeting which I know was a huge mistake. When I got home and added up how many points I had used I realized I didn't have any extra points left. I felt really bad. Fortunately I still had all of my daily points to use. So I made took my marinated chicken out of the fridge and fired up the grill. I forgot to stop by the store to get some broccoli slaw and I didn't really feel like leaving the house to get some either. So I just cut up some fresh pineapple and some grabbed a bushel of grapes from the fridge. I know not the best meal but it served its purpose in filling me up.

So, here I am at the end of day one and I feel.........okay.

Tomorrow I run my first 5k of the year. I am not looking forward to it since I did little training to prepare for the run. On the up side though my mom accepted my invitation to do the run with me which is nice because in previous years when I did this particular 5k, I did it alone. So until tomorrow farewell and happy dieting and running to all who actually take the time to read this.


lilibet said...

Good luck tomorrow! Is your mom living over there now?

I'm proud of you for starting that. I've lost about 7.5 lbs this month -- I just got sick of my weight creeping up and up and up. So, time to do something about it. I've used a cookbook called "the most decadent diet ever" and it's pretty good ...

Unknown said...

Good luck with the race. Call me when you guys are done. I don't know much of anything about points, but from what mom has told me here and there, I think what we are having for dinner tonight will not use up a lot of points-cucumber salad and some sort of grilled chicken or other lean meat. You are always welcome.

CallMeTlovely said...

Good luck on your race friend!