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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day two of WW

So I figured that I need to lose about 59lbs. in order to reach my desired weight. That's a lot of weight to lose, but I know I can do this. I am tired of being big. I am not comfortable. That's enough of it's the end of day two of my journey, and I feel a bit overwhelmed with what I have to do in order to reach my goal. If you ask my family they will confirm I am NOT good on the follow through. However I am just going to take it one day at a time. I cannot think beyond the present day because I will disapoint myself.

Since I did my race today I earned an extra 10 points. However my sister made a good point I should use them today because if I don't I will go over or be hungry at the end of the day. As far as staying with in my points limit and I used all but 4 points for today and I feel satisfied even a little full (which probably is just the water and Gatorade I have been sucking down today).

My weekly challenge this week is to try two new fruits of vegetables that I've never had beofore. Since I am not a big fan of vegetables I am little nervous. I decided to try star fruit and radishes. I think I will add the radishes to a kale salad or something and have the star fruit for dessert. I hope my journey will lead to me trying even more vegetables. I know as our taste buds mature as we get older I am hoping I will develop a taste for some. As far as that cookbook my friend mentioned I will definately look into it. I need some fresh ideas to keep me on track.

I am looking forward to tomorrow morning because my friend and I are supposed to be running before I go off to my workshop in the morning. I finished my first 5k in two years today and I have mixed feelings about it. I wanted to finish in 45 minutes but instead I finished in 55 minutes. This means I am out of shape and got to get more serious about my training.

The race started off well enough I felt good and I had a great pace going. Unfortunately my calfs began to ache even before I was out of breath. That was extremely frustrating I my energy was in a good place but the pain in my calves was just unbearable, it made it hard to run. I didn't do enough stretching but even when I do I still get that calf pain. However the calf pain was not the worst of it. I think I could have pushed through the pain for at least a mile and half but after the I first mile my feet started to go numb and when I tried to ignore it, it just got worse. After running on a numb foot you start to feel like there is a growth on the bottom of your feet, ugh, do a good feeling. I know why this happened I am too heavy and my circulation is horrible. I am hoping after losing about 10 pounds I won;t have that problem anymore. Well that's all for today folks, until tomorrow, happy dieting and running!


lilibet said...

Good job on the race! It sounds like fun, but how you can stand doing it over there in the summer is beyond comprehension.

So ... you don't like vegetables but you like kale??? That is strange. I like kale, but I like everything else, too.

Bean said...

Thanks Elizabeth. It was fun except for the agonizing pain as I crossed the finish line. The day of this particular race it was not hot at all. It was cloudy with a nice breeze. However I have ran on some VERY hot days. Basically, I don't mind it too much, I just sweat, a lot.

Yea I know my food preferences are strange. Yes I love raw kale it is filling. I usually make salads out of it. I don't like any cooked vegetable. I don't like texture of cooked vegetables. It's like this once fresh crisp carrot is now soggy and slightly crunchy, yuck.