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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Days three and four of WW

I forgot to blog yesterday so I am covering two days in this one blog. By the way this may be something that you see happen often. Especially when school starts again. :)

I did pretty well on day three. I had to attend a workshop and because the professional development center is not located near any restaurants I had to rely on the lunch truck that comes. Yes a lunch truck like the ones you might find at a construction site. My coworker and I decided on the chicken sandwich smothered in red sauce, it looked safe enough. I only ate half of it becuase it was packed with calories and if I ate the whole thing I wouldn't have any points left for dinner. When I got home I planned to attend a hot fusion yoga class at 8 that evening. Unfortuantely I decided to take a nap before going and of course I didn't get up in time to go.

Today (day four) I was quite proud of myself. Today was day two of my workshop so I ate a breakfast that equaled only 2 points and packed a large amount of grapes and plenty of water. I wanted to make sure I had a "filling food" to snack on so I wouldn't go over my points. The grapes idea worked quite well I was quite satisfied by the time lunch rolled around.

My coworker and I decided to go to Quiznos because the lunch truck was late and we didn't have a lot of time. As soon as I walked in I asked if they had list of nutrtion facts for their sandwiches. Which they did. I picked a turkey sammie which is just a sanwich but on warm flatbread. It was yummy. Instead of chips I got a small asian inspired salad that was also very tasty. I thought I did quite well but when I went record my points I learned that my little sammie was like 9 points!!! I knew I was have to earn some activity points to make up for those lost points.

On my way home from the workshop I watched the sky closely. I wanted to run by the lake but from the looks of the clouds over the lake, that was not going to be an option. I decided to go to the gym and do a treadmill run for 45 minutes. The treadmill run was okay, it just frustrates me that I can't push through and not stop to walk of catch my breath. I would like for once to start and finish just 3 miles without stopping once. Well I can't dwell on it I just got to keep running and practicing. I would like to be running 3 miles or more non stop by September. Well that's what happened over the last two days folks. Happy dieting and running!

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